League Standing

Update Time: 2022-03-24 14:52


• This API endpoint returns the standings data of the specified league id. You can use it with League Standing (Get Subleague) endpoint if there're subleagues.

• By using endpoint League Profile (Basic) , you can get basic information of leagues and cups.

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You can use this api by subscribing plans:  Stats.


  • Path: /football_th/standing/league.aspx
  • Method: GET
  • Calls: This interface is limited to 5 second/call.
  • Recommend Calls: 1 day/call
  • Parameters:
Parameter Value Required Description
leagueId int  true get the standings data of a specified event:

1. If the competition does not distinguish between league stages or sub-leagues, the standings data will be returned directly;

2. If the event is divided into league stages or sub-leagues, return the "subLeagueId" set;

3. (current) means that this league stage or sub-league is in progress.
subLeagueId int false get the league stage and sub-league standings data for the specified league. It needs to be used in conjunction with "leagueId".

e.g. leagueId=122&subLeagueId=123218

By default, only return the ranking data of the first subleague in the 'subLeagueInfos' list.


Parameter Value Description
leagueInfo object
leagueId int
name string Full name, e.g. Brazil Serie A
currentSeason string e.g. 2019-2020
color string RGB color code string, e.g. #9933FF
shortName string Short name, e.g. BRA D1
totalRound int Return null when the subLeague is not null.
currentRound int Return null when the subLeague is not null.
subLeagueInfos list Return null when the subLeagueId parameter is not added.
subLeagueId int
name string e.g. Western Paly Off
totalRound int
currentRound int
hasScore boolean Is there standing data?
hasTwoLegs boolean Is it decided over two legs?
currentSubLeague boolean Is this subleague in progress?
teamInfos list
teamId int
name string
area int 0: No partition
1: East
2: West
totalStandings list
rank int
teamId int
winRate float
drawRate float
loseRate float
winAverage float
loseAverage float
deduction int
deductionExplain string
recentFirstResult int Result of the recent first match
0: win
1: draw
2: lose
3: empty
recentSecondResult int Result of the recent second match
0: win
1: draw
2: lose
3: empty
recentThirdResult int Result of the recent third match
0: win
1: draw
2: lose
3: empty
recentFourthResult int Result of the recent fourth match
0: win
1: draw
2: lose
3: empty
recentFifthResult int Result of the recent fifth match
0: win
1: draw
2: lose
3: empty
recentSixthResult int Result of the recent sixth match
0: win
1: draw
2: lose
3: empty
color int Promotion and Relegation.
The value represents the serial number in leagueColorInfo (starting from 0), -1 means no promotion or relegation.
red int
totalCount int
winCount int
drawCount int
loseCount int
getScore int
loseScore int
goalDifference int
totalAddScore int Additional points
integral int Without deduction.
halfStandings list
rank int
teamId int
winRate float
drawRate float
loseRate float
winAverage float
loseAverage float
totalCount int
winCount int
drawCount int
loseCount int
getScore int
loseScore int
goalDifference int
integral int Without deduction.
homeStandings list The same as halfStandings
awayStandings list The same as halfStandings
homeHalfStandings list The same as halfStandings
awayHalfStandings list The same as halfStandings
leagueColorInfos list Qualifications for promotion or demotion, or for participation in cups
color string RGB color code string, e.g. #9933FF.
leagueName string
conference boolean Does the team belong to eastern or western conference?
    • This API endpoint returns the standings data of the specified league id. You can use it with League Standing (Get Subleague) endpoint if there're subleagues.\n\n • By using endpoint League Profile (Basic) , you can get basic information of leagues and cups.

    League Standing iSportsAPI